This was the most horrible day of my life! This one shocking day left a long list of side effects behind that went undetected for years.
At the tender age of 6, maybe 7 years old, I can remember waking up, getting dressed on my own, and quietly slipping out of the house. I was going to go out and explore the world!
I set out on what I thought was going to be an amazing outing, only to be met with shock and grave disappointment. That bright sunny day, as I recall, I encountered people, “young and old,” that began to recoil at the sight of me.
“Ugh, look at you… Your hair is not combed!” I was reviled and teased about my hair not being combed and having a residue of sleep in my eyes! (On my own, my younger-self did the best grooming job I could.)
I was both shocked and horrified! I was on an adventure! I was ready to explore the world, meet new people, learn new things… Something terrible happened to me that day.
As a result of that fine reception, I made up my mind right then and there, “the world is not safe… If people get too close and really see me they will not like me, criticize me, and reject me.”
Yep… right then, I made up my mind that I would stay hidden and not venture out into the world or be seen ever again.
I took a “VOW OF INVISIBILITY.” However, I didn’t realize I’d taken that vow until years later. This was–
“You’re Defective–Not Good Enough!”
I am sure many of you have a story where you may be able to pinpoint a time in your life when you were shocked or had a rude awakening. As a result, you spent many years of your life not understanding why you are not achieving your dreams. You have found yourself hiding, paralyzed with fear.
To this day, you are still afraid to be your true self, i.e.: bold, adventurous, happy, fun-loving, caring, giving, and following your bliss. You found out at a young age, you being your strong, true, authentic self, IS NOT SAFE!
I spent so many years of my life only doing enough to get by. At the young age of seven, I became an entrepreneur. I would go out into the neighborhood and earn money running errands. I started out sweeping up in the beauty and barber salons, helping neighbors clean their home, and shoveling snow in the winter. By the time I turned eight I was in full swing as an entrepreneur. But here’s the thing. I never forgot that painful lesson I learned a few months prior.
“Don’t venture out too far… just do enough to get by.”
I set my success and prosperity level right here… “Only do enough to sustain you for the day and go home.” I would earn just enough to get whatever I thought I needed for that day… I bag of Potato chips, a Devil Dog (snack cake) and a 5 cents Italian Ice. That’s all I needed for that day. So I went home where I was safe!
That unconscious belief stayed with me for many years as I would stop myself, cut off my success, turn down opportunities, limited my prosperity, and go home to be safe. THIS BECAME AN UNCONSCIOUS MONEY BLOCK!
As an adult, it wasn’t that I didn’t believe in prosperity, or that I had a right to be wealthy, I read Scripture, listened to prosperity messages, and read tons of self-help books. More than listening to them, I knew on a conscious level that I can have whatever I say. On a deeper subconscious level, however, another message was stored long ago…
“The world is not safe, If people get too close, they will
Criticize me and reject me.”
So I stayed safe and played a small game. I engaged in what the course in miracles calls, “LITTLENESS!” My fear-based mind was in control.
My unconscious beliefs were such that I believed:
- I am defective
- I am a spectacle–a misfit
- I am not good enough
- I am not worthy
- Others are much better off than I am
It is amazing how well you can function through your SHADOW-SELF. Many people have full-blown careers. To the many people on the outside, you appear to be very successful. You have it going on! But you know on a deeper level, you are not being all you can be. Many people can manage to get so much done (as I did) and still not live to your full potential or be your true Self. There are people who have become:
- Doctors
- Lawyers
- Engineer
- Politicians
- Military powerhouses, etc.
Because for them, it was much safer to do what their family wanted than taking the risk of being themselves and pursuing a career in the arts or being an entrepreneur, etc.
Discovering and Releasing Unconscious Blocks
The good news is that your true self, your GOD-SELF is always there. Your GOD-SELF is there continually showing you how to become divinely aligned with your true purpose.
There will always be someone that comes along to affirm you and tell you that you are okay. But, according to how deeply the ROOT OF REJECTION runs, you won’t be able to hear them. And if you do hear them, you won’t believe or act on what they are telling you.
As far back as I can remember, everywhere I went I was always being pushed to the front of the room. I had a natural poise and grace about myself when I was up in front of people but, I was terrified… Remember my story… “if people look too closely they will see my imperfections!” So, I would just do enough so that I could quickly fade into the background where I thought I would be safe.
I can consciously remember beginning my journey into personal development in 1999. That’s when I wanted to become a kinder, softer, gentler, me. I read the book… “As a Man Thinketh,” a classic by 20th century Author, James Allen. That was the beginning of realizing that something was calling the shots on a deeper level.
No matter how much I confessed I was rich, I was wealthy, I was abundant, I noticed that I would constantly go around in the same cycle. I would prosper and then I would go back into lack…
The church was the perfect place to hide. My religious beliefs further compounded my mixed messages to myself. I was hearing over and over again… “The love of money is the root of all evil” “It’s easier for a camel to get through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven” and on and on. (Faith comes by hearing!)
It took some time and a lot of intentional work but, I finally woke up fully and discovered the keys to uncovering unconscious blocks and removing them.
It’s time for you to stop the endless cycle of sabotage and defeat make an investment in your future by enrolling in the up-coming course…
5 – Days To Discover and Remove Unconscious Blocks!

This 5 - day course is for anyone that wants to uncover the hidden messages locked deep within the subconscious mind blocking you from moving forward and fulfilling your life’s purpose.
Are you ready to end the cycle of confusion, stagnation, or defeat? Click the button and enroll in this one-of-a-kind 5-day online course and start living the life you are meant to live!
To Your Success,
Dr. Elona Sanders,
Spiritual Success Mentor