Awaken Your Divine Purpose
How To Move Past Confusion And Into Clarity of Purpose Now!
Why Am I So Confused About My Purpose?
Do you feel as though you have fallen down the “rabbit hole” of purpose? The one question I am being asked over and over again from my clients is this:
“Why Is Gaining Clarity So Confusing?”
I am sure that you are a person who has hopes, dreams, goals, and desires. But for one reason or another, you have been on the same confusing path for months now; maybe even worse, years!
I know that trying to figure things out on your own can leave you in a mental fog, sitting, and just staring into oblivion! And the sad thing is, you’re still pretending like you have it all together. I get it… I’ve been there!
It’s not like you haven’t tried your best, but… for some reason, you are still confused about:
- Your Purpose
- Your Next Steps
- Your Finances
- Your Future
- Your Relationships
- Your Confusion
You know it’s a sad day when you are confused about your confusion!
I can almost hear you spinning around in your head wondering;
Cheer up, I’ve got you covered 🙂
Are You In This Category?
According to Gallup’s World Poll released in June 2017. 85% of employees worldwide hate their jobs.
70% of Americans are not engaged at work. The poll further reveals that a staggering 94% of Japanese workers also are not engaged at work.
It goes without saying that there is an unbelievable number of people that are in a varied range of relationships that they are not happy with.
It is no wonder that the marketplace is being flooded with Entrepreneurs trying to find their way. Many are just chasing the next bright-shiny object, but they are not being divinely guided based upon awakened purpose!
And yet, there are so many others that have given up on their dreams because they were riddled with self-doubt and fear of the unknown. This fear of the unknown has caused many people to become confused and paralyzed. Are you among the number?
Confusion Can Be A Friend!
If you are in a place right now where you feel totally confused and you feel as though…?

- You really don't know what to do
- You don’t know which way to go
- You don’t know what the hold on to
- You don't know what to let go
If you’re feeling a sense of perplexing bewilderment right now, I have good news for you. Confusion is actually your friend! That confusion is your destiny calling you to action! The confusion sets in when you are unclear about where to start.
The definition of confusion means to make unclear or indistinct. It means to perplex or bewilder. The archaic meaning of this word means to bring to ruin or naught.
Your Divine Purpose wants to be awakened. However, confusion can bring you to a place of irrelevancy because your true, authentic SELF is never activated.
Confusion Is A Force!
Confusion is sparked when the conscious mind has too many questions about a certain situation, a circumstance, or an outcome.
When you are confused, you’re no longer in a place of TRUST. You are no longer trusting that you have an innate ability to know what’s best.
I want you to pause right here. I want you to take a deep healing breath and breathe that in and exhale…
Yes, you have an innate ability already within you to know what’s best for you.
The reason confusion is activated and you don’t know what’s best for you is because of:
- The cultural norm
- What society says is or is not the right thing
- You constantly being blindsided because you’re in comparison mode.
- your friends, family, the creepy crap™, and all the unreasonable reasons that daily flood Your mind
Anyone of those things is enough to stir up the confusion.
It’s time to make a declaration and decree… “I will trust myself.” I will trust knowing that I do know what’s best for me.
You already know this because of your GOD-SELF, because of your Divine-Self. I’m not talking about your reasoning ability here. But, that part of you that is just like God!
Because confusion flows out of the ego mind—the ego will always “edge God out” of every decision you make; if you allow it. Confusion can become addictive!
When you’re feeling confused, that’s letting you know that there is something authentic that wants to emerge. But, it’s being blocked by your mental reasoning which may be influenced by other people’s opinion.
I want you to make a decision today that you will no longer buy into other people’s beliefs, opinions, or culture that is not in alignment with who you are!
Meaning this, when you tap into your SASS™, (Strongest Authentic Spiritual Self) you will be inspired to take a chance on yourself. You will have the courage to believe in yourself and to listen to the song your heart wants to sing to the world.
Make a commitment to disconnect from the cultural norm and embrace your uniqueness today!
Beloved, you are surrounded by people that are influenced by the status quo, that which appears to be normal and acceptable. In fact, you have become a combination of conforming to social norms, peer pressure, family, and/or parental influence.
Where is the real you?
The thing that you’re called to, the “Divine Vision” that you see in your spirit is real. The only road that will take you to destiny has to be a road of individual adherence to what you know your heart is calling you to.
Food- One of the most overlooked triggers to the confusion can be attributed to the food you eat. Foods that are processed, high in sugar and fats can lead to lethargy and mental fatigue. Leaving you sluggish and having an inability to focus, make wise decisions, and create.
Environment – No one in your environment has succeeded in anything. No one has built a career. No one places a high value on themselves or understands their worth. Your environment is filled with people, systems, and a culture that speaks to confusion and misalignment of purpose. Pay attention!
Tribe/Familiar bonds – You are trying to fit in and be normal and acknowledge your family upbringing. You don’t want to disappoint your family or go against long-standing “family traditions.” Or you secretly feel guilty about surpassing your parents or other family members. You must trust that what you have is of value. Have faith and believe in yourself.
False beliefs- A false belief is something that you were talked into believing based on your associations. But it’s something that your Spirit never really agreed with.
Today you are going to have to hit the reset button because you may have been standing on a foundation that was not yours.
What you believed was not true. It was a myth or a misnomer. You must examine the foundation that you are building on.
Consider this; the weariness that you are experiencing is being fueled by things that you’re still holding on to that no longer serves who you are today.
When you look at the prolonged state of chaos and confusion that you may be experiencing, a lot of that is being fueled by you coming into agreement with a false belief.
False Burden – A false burden is a false sense of commitment. You are making sacrifices that you were never required to make. Based upon a false sense of commitment, you said yes when you knew you should have said no. Hit the reset button now!
Resistance – Resistance is one-way confusion will mask itself. When it’s time for you to evolve, take the next step, grow, stretch, or shift, confusion will set in.
Because you want to be perfect and you’re so afraid that you’re going to make a mistake, not choose the right thing, you will resist taking action.
Confusion is a manifestation of resistance.
Steven Pressfield in his book, “the WAR of ART”, says this about resistance:
“Like a magnetized needle floating on a surface of oil resistance will unfailingly Point True North. The rule of thumb is–the more important a call or action is to our soul’s Evolution the more resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.”
Resistance can be a key factor as to why it’s taking you so long to walk into your calling, to start that business, to relocate, or to do whatever it is that you know is a part of your assignment.
It’s such a huge deal evolving into the next version of yourself that Resistance will be there at every turn to stop you from moving forward. Resistance is lethal, it plays for keeps. It is invisible, it’s universal, and it is infallible.
Resistance will do whatever it needs to do to stop you. It will talk “spiritual” to you and it will “quote scripture” to you. It will always bring up the past to discourage you.
Procrastination and Perfectionism – Usually when there is confusion on board it’s because perfectionism is operating. When you want all conditions to be perfect before you start, you will procrastinate and that also fuels confusion. Have you heard the aphorism, “start before you are ready?”
Perfectionism and procrastination are nothing more than stalling techniques for confusion. Here’s What Eric Thomas says about procrastination:
“I don’t believe in the word procrastination. I don’t really believe that word.
I told a young lady in Australia, Who told me she was a procrastinator, I said, Look, If I told you to meet me here tomorrow, At 5 AM, and I’m going to give you $3 million, Where would you be?
She said,’ I will be right there at 4:59 AM ready to get that $3 million.’ So I said, there’s no such thing as procrastination.
What it is…, It’s not important to you. It’s not meaningful to you. It’s not something that’s urgent to you. And when something’s not urgent, you put it off.
If it’s not meaningful to you, if it’s not important to you, then you’re going to make it a priority. So what you have to do is, find out,
How can you make it meaningful? How can you make it purposeful? How can you make it stick?”
I want to use the words “move past” not “fight and warfare.” You don’t want the energy of continued warfare. You want to move past it all. Right, so when you recognize that you are totally confused and you don’t know what to do, the first thing to do is to do nothing.
Yep, that’s right. Do nothing. I know that’s super hard for so many of you. To be still and do absolutely nothing maybe be ridiculous, but sometimes you have to pause for a moment, do nothing, and regroup.
When I say do nothing I’m not talking about throwing in the towel and quitting. Nor I am talking about giving up or being inactive for months or years on end.
But, sometimes you have to do nothing and doing nothing means to give your mind a rest. Doing nothing can allow you to shift your thoughts from what you’re doing for the moment. This space can activate a major breakthrough!
Doing nothing may include going out to see a movie, sitting down to watch a show, go dancing, go for a walk, or go to the gym. Do whatever it takes to rest your mind.
6 Keys To Help You Move Past Confusion and Awaken Your Divine Purpose!
DESIRE… Everything begins with desire. You have to master the art of tapping into Your God-self and listen to the song that your heart wants to sing to the world. You must know that if you have the desire, you already have heaven’s approval.
Doubt and Fear can arise when your relationship with the Divine is “Faulty”. When there is a misalignment with your God-self you will start to feel confused. Please know… All things are working together and fitting into a plan for your good!
DECISION… Make a quality decision and hold on. A quality decision has its roots in commitment. You must hold onto your decision no matter what. It’s time to go for it!
DREAM… Spend time with your dreams. Know that nothing is too big, too much, too grand… You must affirm that you have a God-given right to what you see and feel within.
DESIGN… Within you is a pattern of infinite perfection waiting to be revealed. You are not the fear. The self-doubt and fear are only thoughts in your mind. As you begin to FOCUS and design your life, you will find that there will be an unseen alliance working on your behalf. Write the vision. Create a Vision Board and take action!
DISCIPLINE… Do a little every day. Every day you must… TOUCH YOUR DREAM. Activate the compound effect. A little goes a long way, but you must touch it every day and then allow yourself to rest. Rest knowing it’s all working for your good.
DROP… You must release everything that no longer serves you or that is not in alignment with your destiny. Setting boundaries will be very important. You may have to re-arrange and shift how you interact with people and other commitments.
I know sometimes it’s easy for mentors, coaches, etc., to give the steps, the tips, the keys. But, I also have faith in you today that you will not give up and you will keep at it until you gain the clarity you need.
Doubt and fear are the major culprits behind the confusion. When you realize doubt and fear are both thoughts in your mind, then you can decide what you will or will not think about, worry about, or be fearful about.
Use the above tips and move past your doubt and fears. The world is waiting for you!
If you are ready to move past confusion, get the free Action Guide Now!
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