Peace and Blessings!
We are officially at the half-way mark between Winter and Spring. If you are following me on Sundays in our Spiritual Success Life Facebook Live Gatherings, you know that we are in an unprecedented time.
This time of the year is usually filled with energy to slow down, hibernate, and rest. While that energy is somewhat activated, there is greater energy activated for growth, expansion, elevation, and launching.
This is the perfect time to regroup as we have already passed “Blue Monday” –The 3rd week in January where most people crash and fall into depression because they are not following through with their New Year Resolutions.
For the past 2 weeks, we have been tapping into this “space of grace!” Click Here for the replay.
About 7 minutes in I talk about releasing opposing energy running parallel with your creative energy causing you not to be as effective.
Beloved, this is an uncommon time for Favor, access, clarity, courage, and NEW BEGINNINGS. We’ve had so many “8” days (a universal number for new beginnings and more) in this season.
You are being asked to “TAP IN” to see, hear, or sense the whispers of intuition being released. All the good that you desire and deserve is flowing to you now. You must believe it. Then you must know it. The knowing will give you the courage to act on it. Acting on what you know and believe will bring your desires into physical manifestation.
Here’s to better days, brighter days, days of victory, and days of financial increase, stability, and freedom!
Helping you create a clear path forward,
Elona Sanders,
Spiritual Success Mentor
P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.