I am continuing to meditate on the prophetic word that’s been released for us that this month activates showers of blessing! You will never see the manifestation of what God promised until you believe for yourself with unwavering certainty that what has been promised will be fulfilled.
I want to agree with you, beloved, that this is the right, appropriate, and set time for you to see YOUR PROPHETIC WORD MANIFEST!
Every day I am seeing miracles manifest and so can you. Be sure to join me this Sunday at 10 am as we touch and agree to activate your prophetic fulfillment.
Beloved this is a time to have faith in all that God has promised. In August of 2013 I released this word In Early Morning Empowerment that I feel God wants you to re-activate today.
“I am always here, present, now in the unseen dimension. There is an entire network moving, shifting, adding, taking away, multiplying and dividing on your behalf. My networks of angels are on assignment. My power is present to move and shift people, places, circumstances and events to work for your good. My power is present to bring the transformation to your life that you so desperately need.
Know this without a doubt, I am here, I am with you, I am ever mindful of your hopes, your dreams, your expectations. So today, I say to you, have faith in my ability to bring absolute transformation.
I am calling you to activate the spirit of expectancy with child-like wonder and amazement. The same way a child gets so excited when a promise is given.
I want you to become excited, gleeful, and ecstatic, with the expectation of what I have promised you. I am not a man that I would lie to you. I am well able to keep my promise. I want you to trust every word that proceeds out of my mouth for no word that comes from me shall be void of power or impossible of fulfillment. I want you to dream again. Hope again, expect again, for I am Jehovah Shammah. I am the God that is present; I am here, working in an unseen dimension on your behalf.
So go ahead my sons and my daughters, shout for joy, be radiant, be exuberant, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Boast of my goodness, tell of my mercies. Greater is here saith the Lord of Host.”
Amen and It is so!
Sow A Seed Today and Activate Your Harvest…
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Elona Sanders