This Is The Day The Lord Has Made, Let Us Make A Conscious Choice To Rejoice And Be Glad In It!
The word to you today is….
I remember I received a prophetic word back in 2011 from a dear friend and colleague, Elder Willie Blueford that came for an anniversary celebration for me. The word to me was “RELAX!” He referenced the scripture in Matthew 6:25-34 if you want to take a look at it.
I want to give this word to you today RELAX… Relax from all the tension that has taken a hold of you.
If you look at the scripture text, the word declares that we should take no thought for the many things we concern ourselves with on a daily basis. I know that you can certainly admit that you can drive yourself insane worrying about all the things that you feel needs your attention!
If you are in full-time ministry or you are a business owner as I am, then you know that you can easily fall prey to overwhelm because there never seems to be enough great staff, support, or help.
That coupled with the concern for the calling that is on your life and trying to fulfill the assignment, you can become tensed, discouraged, and allow yourself to take on false burdens.
The word today is “relax” and I want to pass that on to you. Here are a few things to consider to help you do just that:
- You are going to be o.k. no matter what
- All things are working together and fitting into a plan for your good
- You are enough, you are good enough
- Everything is moving according to the right schedule
- If things were going to be different today they would be.
- Never mind the haters! There will always be people that don’t agree with you, don’t like you, etc.
- You are divinely supported, you have more help, favor, and grace than you know.
In the words of the scripture text, take no thought, don’t worry, you can’t change anything by worrying. So relax, keep your hand in God’s hand. Your enemies will never prevail against you if you stay with God’s divine agenda.
As a matter of correction…Forget enemies… they have no power except the power you give them by thinking about them, speaking about them and fearing them!
If you are in a very challenging season please know that, “This too shall pass!”
Spiritual Success Tip: Rest!
Thank you for your continued support….
Join me in wishing me a Happy Birthday! Sunday June 12th…
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As I Am,
Dr. Elona Sanders