Peace, peace, peace! I am sure you can agree with me that there is nothing like having peace. In the Hebrew language the root word for peace is Shalom; which means: wholeness, soundness, tranquility, safety, nothing missing, nothing broken, and nothing lacking.
You may be asking, “How can I have peace when my circumstances are filled with things that are missing, broken, and lacking?” The answer to that concern is that whatever you think about, focus or meditate on, will grow and become predominate in your life. Where attention goes, energy flows. If you are constantly thinking about all the things that are not going right in your life, you will continue to have more of things not going right.
When you are focused on what is not going right, you are wide open for lower level energies such as, frustration and depression to overtake you. When you are operating with lower level energy you become a magnet that will draw more circumstances that produce feelings of anguish, despair and defeat.
A key is to turn your attention away from what is not going right, to what is going right. You may say, “There is absolutely nothing going right for me!” There is always something that is right in your life. Can I let you in on a secret? The mere fact that so many things are not right is an indication of things going right. Things that are not right and out of order are a divine signal. All of life is trying to get your attention! These “wrong” circumstances are nothing more than a calling card to let you know:
- There is more of life for you to experience
- Some adjustments need to be made
- There may be something you are not paying attention to that desperately needs your attention
- Your SASS™ (Strongest Authentic Spiritual-Self) is wanting to be heard
- You are playing way too small
- Your business needs to be birthed
- That relationship you are in is no longer serving you in a healthy way
- It’s time to be true to yourself and take care of you
Sometimes when we think things are going wrong, they are actually going right! Remember, you always have the power to choose. You can always make a choice as to how you will live your life right now, today!
Peace is a wonderful thing, but you must set yourself on the pathway to pursue peace. Peace is healthy. You cannot be truly successful without it. Peace is the bridge between you and your ultimate fulfillment of destiny. Seek peace, embrace peace, and refuse to live without it!
“Depart from evil and do good; seek peace, and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14)
The Deliverance Doctor™
Spiritual Success Coach to
Kingdom Leaders and Solo Entrepreneurs