TODAY, I HAVE PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING! Peace, peace, peace! I am sure you can agree with me that there is nothing like having peace. In the Hebrew language the root word for peace is Shalom; which means: wholeness, soundness, tranquility, safety, nothing missing, nothing broken, and nothing lacking. You may be asking, “How can I have peace when…
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TODAY I WILL BLESS THE WORLD WITH MY GIFTS! Each and every one of us was born with unique qualities. It is so wonderful to know that there is not anyone else like you anywhere. You have been encoded with gifts talents and abilities that make you stand out and stand apart from the masses. The problem with this is…
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TODAY, I HAVE AN ABUNDANT CONSCIOUSNESS Most of us can agree that it is the will of God for us to prosper. But in order to prosper, prosperity begins in the mind. Do you have an abundant consciousness? What runs through your mind most of the time? Is it lack or abundance? Do you have a sense that everything is…
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Wealth Is My Inheritance!
Today, I am open to wealth, wealth is my inheritance! Having laid a foundation for understanding what wealth is, today we can make the declaration- “I am open to wealth—Wealth is my inheritance!” Notice the word “open”. In order for the spirit of wealth to be activated in you, you must first be open. Being open means that you are…
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Power To Get Wealth!
Today, I Have Power To Get Wealth! When you think about wealth what comes to your mind? Do you immediately see images of riches, opulence, and abundance? Or do you instantly see a precious few who seem to have it all? What feelings or emotions come up for you when you think about wealth? Are you feeling joyous right now,…
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