Peace and Blessings!
We are just about 60 days into this brand-new year of 2021. In 4 short weeks, we will be in a new season!
One of the things I encourage my clients and students to do often is to engage in mini celebrations. You’ve heard me say this many times that the resting state of the ego-mind is CONFUSION!
Your ego-mind loves to project:
- Fear
- Amnesia
- Insecurity
- Inadequacy
- Self-judgment
- Self-criticism
- Sabotage
It’s time to take a moment and celebrate you. Celebrate how far you’ve come. You have come over many hills, mountains, and clawed your way up out of valley experiences.
You’ve overcome hurt, rejection, abandonment, and financial ruin. But you are still here!!!
Don’t allow yourself to be so distracted by what has not happened yet. The longer you allow your attention to stay there, the longer that condition will persist!
Please take some time this weekend to reflect and celebrate how far you have come. You are not the same person you were 2 months ago. Your mind may tell you that you are not changing but you are.
If you are struggling, don’t beat yourself up.
I shared this on Wednesday:
“People will remember the version of you they encountered years ago. If you have transformed your life and you are no longer that version of yourself, don’t get upset with them for reminding you. Instead, rejoice and celebrate your growth!”
Don’t worry about what “people” think or will say about you. Be true to your heart’s desires and KEEP IT MOVING!
Don’t allow your ego-mind to take you down the rabbit hole of “it won’t change for me.”
It’s time to celebrate… Do it now and make a new plan for the next shift coming in 4 weeks!
Helping you create a clear path forward,
Elona Sanders,
Spiritual Success Mentor
P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.