Peace and Blessings!

At some point in life, you may have experienced the challenge of not repeating certain habits, patterns, or cycles that was not good for you. It’s especially challenging when it is a person you care deeply about but you know that relationship is toxic.
In case you missed it, my SM post today was addressing this issue and why you should celebrate because of the deep work you’ve done to heal. This is what I wrote:
Happy Friday!
“I hope they didn’t think you were going for the Okie-Doke this time. While they were planning how they were going to get back into your life, you were busy transforming your inner life. You no longer live at 625 Insecure Blvd, between lonely and desperate Streets! Celebrate!!!”
You see beloved, many people may have benefitted from your brokenness. They did not want you to heal. Each time you mustered up the strength to pull away, the door was not completely closed and you let them back in.
But this time, they will be so surprised when they come to knock on your door and realize there is no answer whatsoever. This time there is no answer because you have moved–you have transformed!
Celebrate your growth. You have truly transformed from being lonely, broken, insecure, desperate, or needy. This is your season to shine and be the best YOU EVER!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders
P.S. Are you truly ready to transform into your highest Self? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.