Peace and Blessings!
Why does it appear that so many people are stuck in a reality they feel trapped in or hate? I have been coaching clients since 2010 and interacting and counseling for many years as a senior pastor. During my tenure, the one thing that kept coming to the surface was this… “I’m stuck, confused, and don’t know what I should be doing!”

I’ve often said that confusion is the resting state of the ego-mind. It loves to play small and keep you safe. That’s part of the job of the ego-mind–keep you safe! (hence confusion and self-sabotage.)
On my Social Media platforms, this week I focused on the importance of choosing YOU, making wise decisions, and taking action. It’s imperative that you settle the fact that whatever will manifest as your future reality is what you decide to do or not do today. I ended this week’s postings with the following quote.

If you want to see things change for you, start now. I often say that you shouldn’t get into a tug of war with yourself. Don’t resist what’s going on in your life now. Do this instead:
- Handle yourself in a gentle loving manner
- Embrace where you are right now in your life
- Don’t fight or resist. “Whatever you resist will persist”
- Start building a new model
In other words, don’t try to change a bad habit, instead, create a new habit by doing a very small action that will shift your trajectory by one percent. Over time, that tiny change will be a big win for you.
Start creating your future today. Remember all you really have is now. The only moment that is real is now.
Be present, Be intentional, Be creative!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders
P.S. Ready to see your life transform? Join the Spiritual Success Life group today. It’s free!
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