Peace and Blessings!
Can you believe that we are already through the first month of 2020?
Wow, so much has transpired–Some good, some not so good, some very sad and tragic. Such is the way of life. While some are rejoicing and shouting victory, others are sad, lonely, or devastated.
I want to encourage all who may have had a very rough start in 2020. Keep believing, keep moving, and stay woke! Take as much time as you need to heal and be well. Your best medicine is self-care and loving you unconditionally.
This week I dedicated my Social Media postings to inspire confidence building. It’s true. Confidence is beautiful, radiant, and magnetic!

This year, please, don’t allow your past trauma to rob you. Give yourself the GIFT OF HEALING! No one is responsible for you getting over, pass, or through what has traumatized you, only you can take the necessary steps to heal.
When you begin the process to heal, you will rejoice because of the freedom and clarity that will be your new normal!
Believing in you is an art form that must be cultivated and refined. The foundation for strong confidence is:
- knowing that you are unique in your gifting. It doesn’t matter if your gift seems to be common, it’s never insignificant. Nobody can do it the way you do it
- Taking inspired action. This is the number #1 confidence booster. Each time you step up and step out you’re making progress and charting new territory. This allows you to create a strong reference for the next action step! Before you know it, your confidence has increased and you are so much more value to your tribe!
Remember that you are still here with a purpose and a spiritual assignment to fulfill. May the peace of God guard your heart and mind always! Look up, better, brighter, bigger is here for you. It’s not over yet!
Helping You Create A Clear Path Forward,

Elona Sanders
P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.