Activate Your Year Of Favor... Overflow... and Abundance!
Early Morning Empowerment Series, Volume 2
With Dr. Elona Sanders

Grace To You!
This is the day the Lord has made, let us make a conscious choice to rejoice and be glad in it…
Welcome to another powerful and insightful Early Morning Empowerment Virtual Gathering designed with you in mind. I am so excited about the next 10 days we will spend together laying a foundation for you to activate your year of favor, overflow, and abundance! As you listen to each audio message, make sure that you are implementing action steps. Information without implementation will not yield a harvest.
Foundational Scriptures:
PSALM 65:11 (NLT)
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.
ISAIAH 43:18-19 (AMP.)
Do not [earnestly remember the former things; neither consider the things of old, Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and you will give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
DAY ONE: Prophetic Release
This year is loaded with "Divine Activity!" Listed below is a brief overview of what you should give attention to this year. Remember there is new air to breathe and a new sound to hear.
Forward Focus….
Forward Focus is about activating faith and bringing your life into divine order and organization and being relentless in your work ethic taking authentic action for results and destiny fulfillment.
The Shift is a divine contain that will house many compartments i.e.: Separation... Restoration... Revelation... Elevation... and Acceleration!
Shift: Separation…. Reformation...Elevation… Acceleration
Good Morning… Great Morning!
This is the day the Lord has made let Us make conscious choice to rejoice and be glad in it…
This is Dr. Elona Sanders and I want to welcome you to another powerful and insightful Early Morning Empowerment Virtual Gathering….
I Want to speak to you this morning from the heart. I want to talk to someone on the line this morning that may not be feeling the new year cheer… or maybe your conscious mind feels it but your emotional realm is saying something else.
I want to talk to the person who may feel like:
- It’s a new year and I haven’t done anythings
- I have not plan
- I have no vision
- I still feel confused
- I am tired
- I am overwhelmed
- Nothing seems to be moving
- I know what to do but I am not doing it
- Time is slipping past me...
The remedy….
- Shut it down… stop the noise
- Don’t compare yourself with anyone
- Enter a season of prayer and quiet time
- Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit within
- Be confident knowing that God is for you
- All things are working together
- You will not be left behind...
Nothing real can be threatened!
PSALM 65:11
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.
ISAIAH 43:18-19 AMP.
Do not [earnestly remember the former things; neither consider the things of old,
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and you will give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 Day 3
The shift….
We are in a global shift….
- Old Ideals
- Old relationships
- Old fears
- Old habits
- Sabotaging patterns
Good Morning… Great Morning!
This is the day the Lord has made let Us make conscious choice to rejoice and be glad in it…
This is Dr. Elona Sanders and I want to welcome you to another powerful and insightful Early Morning Empowerment Virtual Gathering….
PSALM 65:11
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.
ISAIAH 43:18-19 AMP.
Do not [earnestly remember the former things; neither consider the things of old,
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and you will give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
This is year of: Forward Focus, Growth/Increase, Expansion, Transfer… A Year to embrace your brilliance and bloom, blossom….Manifesting Miracles
The shift….
We are in a global shift…. Separation, Restoration, Elevation, Acceleration...
- Old Ideals
- Old relationships
- Old fears
- Old habits
- Sabotaging patterns
Patterns: Behaviors that is unique to you and governed by your thoughts, feelings, and actions. These actions usually manifest themselves in negative, defeating, or destructive behavior. This would include:
- Actions and Reactions
- Walls and defenses
- Your personal law of interpretation/perception
- Your environment
- Unconscious Belief System
Cycles: The result of patterns in operations. You will notice the following being evident when describing certain events:
- “This always happens to me”
- “Every other year this happens.”
- This is a regular occurrence for me”
- “This shows up in every generation”
For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment! (Luke 1:37 Amp.)
So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effects, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11 Amp.)
I am divinely aligned… I am divinely guided, I am divinely supported.
- It’s praying time… We need the heartbeat of God. We need His pulse beating through us.
- We must pray the heart and mind of God….
As President-elect gets his cabinet together, let’s pray:
That evil and treacherous men and women would be rooted out of positions of authority and replaced with godly men and women who make their ears attentive to godly wisdom and godly counsel.
- What is the divine agenda that want to manifest in this realm of appearance?
- Enter into Rest!
- Remember God can only do for you what He can do through you!
- It’s all about the energy. Everything we do is all about the energy
- Everything that is visible was formed from that which is invisible (Heb. 11:3)
- Reality Behind Reality, Truth Behind Truth
- The intelligent Designer
- Reaching out touching other with Agape love
- It’s about releasing that love to: Who, When, and how God wants to use you to bless others.
- Spiritual principles to manifest more: Stay with Love, Stay with Truth, Stay with the Holy Spirit.
For Master Class… Wednesday Jan. 11 @ 7 pm
How to use Habits, Patterns, and Cycles to create your unique formula for success!
Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality--faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]
- command or grasp, as of a subject:
a mastery of Italian.
- superiority or victory:
mastery over one's enemies.
- the act of mastering.
4.expert skill or knowledge.
5.the state of being master; power of command or control.
- full development; perfected condition:
There is an inheritance that is waiting to be released. As long as we are children, immature, we cannot receive our inheritance. The Galatian writer the declares that our inheritance is placed in the supevision of governor or tutors. Our tutor is the HOly Spirit which leads and guides us into all the Truth. The Holy Spirit holds your inheritance in trust.
Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality--faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]
Activate FAith:
- Shift your focus from outward to inward
- Tap into your Rich inner life of the Kingdom of God within
- You have unlimited potential within you
- God lives within
- It’s your responsibility to
- You have infinite resources within you... but it is your responsibility to awaken to them and use them.
- You are an ambassador
- You have power and authority to legislate
- Decree and Declare
Global Empowerment Gathering
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Success in not about competing with others. It’s not about money or material possessions. You must measure success by the following:
- Know your purpose
- Activate That purpose
- Move in that purpose
- Do it on purpose
I previously released this in your hearing….
I don't know if you can feel it, but we are in a phenomenal season. Yes that is the truth! I want to encourage you to continue to let your spiritual evolution happen.
The entire planet is in an awesome shift... The level of spiritual awakening is happening at record speed and it has nothing to do with religion! Yep, that’s right… Our awesome God is in control!
This is the set and appointed time for your relationship with God to evolve to its highest potential. All you have to do now is to be open to accept the changes you are experiencing.
Everything is changing and in order to accept and experience this great process of change you will have to:
- Make peace with and embrace where you are right now. I often say this: “It is what it is!”
- Make peace with who you are
- Make peace with what you have manifested
- Come out of the mindset of daily struggle and warfare.
- Shift your focus inward and tap into your rich inner life and tap into your divine imagination and see a new vision and move forward from there.
- Listen to hear on a new level
- Be intentional
This is truly a season of “out with the old and in with the new.” Get ready for:
- New experiences
- New careers
- New levels of wealth manifestation
- New Health and fitness realities
- New relationships
- New challenges to stretch you into new dimensions
- New circles of influence
The next version of you wants to spring forth and bless the world. Just say yes to all the forward movement you are experiencing--mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The transition is timely!
We are at the dawn of a new nine-year cycle and the empowering #10 Year of 2017 – this moment signifies a total overhaul of your sensory perception, your conscious awareness and plans for the future. This means, you’re now experiencing a depth of awareness unlike you ever have. You are now seeing and believing in a new way!
You’ll need to enter into Rest more, make room to listen to the new sound being released and give yourself sacred space.
A time to engage a mentor or coach or someone with godly wisdom.
All is flowing in a divinely planned way…
- Your spiritual awareness is expanding in a remarkable way.
- Your trust in following your BLISS is deepening.
- Your acceptance of constant divine Love is strengthening,
- Your doubts are extinguishing...
Monday, January 9, 2017
Spiritual Success
Be The Success You Were Created To Be:
Define Spiritual Success
Inner and outer Balance
Stop believing in Attack… The enemy's’ ability to harm you.
Action…. What are you believing in?
What things do you want to change?
Have you settled the fact that you are the creator of you outer realm of appearance?
Fresh Start Activation Prayer.
EME DAY 7 JANUARY 10, 2017