In our last article I asked you about your calling. I wanted to know if you were still wrestling with what is your true purpose. I know that many people feel like some days they know exactly what it is they are called to and some days they don’t.
I think that we have made the matter of callings too deep and mysterious which goes right along with all the confusion around understanding the voice of God. Perhaps you are among the many people that are typically unsure as to whether or not you are hearing from God.
I know that if you come from a religious background, you were probably in an environment that was priest/pastor/bishop dependent. This is not to negate the importance of spiritual leaders. This is only to point out that we may have been too dependent, leaving all the work, or spiritual interaction, on the shoulder of our leaders and neglected to develop an intimate relationship with God for ourselves. The key word INTIMATE!
The good news today is that your calling/purpose has been with you your entire life. You are divinely encoded with it. It lives within your heart and it is constantly knocking waiting for an answer. Your purpose is like a phone that never stops ringing. In the physical realm you would never let a phone constantly ring without picking it up! Let me ask you this: DID YOU TURN THE RINGER OFF SO THAT YOU WOULD NOT HEAR YOUR PURPOSE CALLING YOU?
Fear is the #1 reason why you cannot get clarity around your calling. Here are some others:
- Fear of Rejection (being criticized, judged, etc.)
- Fear of Success (being overwhelmed, too much responsibility)
- Vow of Invisibility (Afraid to be seen)
- Confusion (which is rooted in fear)
- Misalignment (disconnected from God)
You have a divine purpose that is waiting for you to wake up, step up, and own who you are and what you are here to do. Your people are waiting for you to show up!
Make a commitment today that you are going to do whatever it takes to answer and fulfill your call.
Spiritual Success Tip:
Just because the world is not ready for you doesn’t mean that you should not get ready!
Your Call To Action:
Go back over this assignment again and meet me live for the early morning empowerment gathering on Monday.
- Go within and listen to what your heart is really longing for.
- Look at the things that you love doing more than anything.
- Your calling in tied to what makes you angry, what hurts your heart.
- You will do what you are called to do whether you are paid or not.
- It’s not work to you it is sheer joy!
Today, affirm that you were uniquely designed with purpose in mind. Affirm that you are called according to that purpose. This will mean that:
- You are on the right track
- God is on your side
- You cannot fail, you may have to try more than once, but you cannot fail
- You are divinely supported
- Everything you need to succeed is already in you
- Your life has a higher purpose
- If you continue to move forward you will always hit your mark
If you are not sure what you are called to do, why not take the time to slow down and give yourself the gift of knowing for sure that you are called to a specific purpose.
No one else can do what you do, in the way that you can do it. When you give yourself this gift, you will automatically replace doubt and confusion with faith and assurance that you are here and you have an assignment that is greater than yourself.
Cheer up! Embrace your purpose! There is nothing like you doing you!
Apostle E.
Your Destiny Direction Doctor TM