Peace and Blessings!

There is no doubt; we are living in different times. With all the things that are going on it is so easy to allow fear to pump you with even more excuses as to why you can’t move forward. (Don’t go for it!)
My thoughts this week have been around moving forward, taking the leap of faith. and try again.
Today I want to encourage you not to get stuck in an endless “fear of failure” cycle. You have so much divine support. Your Angelic support team is waiting for you to take the next action step.
You will never get to see who and what is waiting for you until to take the next step. I am so excited right now because I know all the things that you dream of and see in an unseen realm is already yours.
Believe; truly believe that you can do all things through your Christ Consciousness that infuses you with strength, insight, and unction. YOU CAN, YOU WILL, YOU MUST fulfill your Spiritual Assignment! (Destiny)
Try again! You got this! Your help is here!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders
P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.