Peace and Blessings!

This week I wanted to set you up to start focusing on all the amazing qualities you possess. Once you recognize that you are truly amazing, your life will start to transform.
So many amazing things can happen when you finally believe that you are enough. Yes you, beautiful, wonderful, AMAZING YOU. (Yes, the word this week is AMAZING!)
No more being held captive by the false belief that you NEED the approval, validation, or clout of someone else in order to be of value. Yes, God will always use other people to help you along the way, but, you don’t NEED PEOPLE. There is a difference between NEEDING people vs collaborating and co-creating with people.
Needing people suggests that you are
- Inadequate
- Incapable
- Lacking
- Deficient
- Ignorant, etc.
You came into this world loaded with everything you need to create the life you desire to live! You are more capable than you are giving yourself credit for. It’s time to really embrace the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Make a commitment today, that you will do the “sacred work” and allow whatever healing you need to take place in your life. Get whatever support you need. Make whatever investment you need to make in yourself in order to heal!
This is truly your season to show up, shine, and serve the world with power, grace, dignity, and authentic purpose! YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!
Helping you create a clear path forward,
Elona Sanders

P.S. Are you truly ready to believe that you are enough and see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.