Peace and Blessings!
We are approaching the fourth week in January. Statistics have shown that by the third week in January many people have already fallen into their old routine. It’s my prayer that’s not you, my friend and you are on a roll!
Just in case you’re not, I’m asking…

I asked this question a couple of weeks ago, “Are Your Connections Sabotaging you?” and now I’m asking, “What’s got you stuck?”
I want you to be honest and look at what’s got you stuck in the same cycle, routine, habits, patterns, or pitfalls.
You may say, “Dr. E I don’t know, or I do know but I seem to be confused or powerless to stop it.”
The good news is that’s so not the truth! All you need is a little redirecting and support. It’s time to really build new confidence in your ability to shift your life and live with purpose.
That might mean:
- Having a difficult conversation
- Setting loving boundaries
- Choosing what’s in your best interest
- Stop letting yourself off the hook
All of this is for you to slow down your inner pace, you know all that mind racing and anxiety going on within. It’s time for a FULL STOP!
Today is your opportunity to lovingly embrace what you truly desire and then stand by what you decide. Now you may need some quality help and the right support to assist you but there’s no shame in that. Right?
Why not connect with me and let’s have a Clarity Call to figure out what’s got you stuck and what’s needed to move you forward.
Click Here To Schedule Your Clarity Call
Imagine what it will feel like when you are able to look back and recognize you have finally moved on, you are no longer stuck, and your life is on track. It’s totally doable!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders,
Spiritual Success Mentor
P.S. Are you truly ready to find out what’s got you stuck? Let’s connect and get you the clarity needed to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a clarity call with me.