Peace and Blessings!
Now more than ever there is a need for you to master the art of balancing inner peace against all the noise and distractions of daily life.

Not only do you have to deal with the outer noise but there is also the inner noise of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Your ego mind may still be in “chatterbox mode, I call it the CREEPY CRAP! You know, the non-stop talking in your head!
Are you one of those people that always have to keep something on in the background because you don’t want to be alone with your thoughts? You know, you may have the T.V. going, music playing in another room, and a YouTube video playing on your phone. All designed to drown out the inner and outer voices.
It’s time to allow more peace in your life. Developing inner peace is an art form. It’s a masterful balance of managing inner and outer living. If you want to start cultivating more peace in your life, try this for the next 7 days.
- Take 100% responsibility for your own spiritual success. That means you will not blame anyone or anything for what appears to be lacking in your life.
- Recognize that you are not a victim you are in control
- You can choose what you will focus on. What thoughts you will allow in your mind.
- Shift from embracing the lies of the voice within or without. Don’t give anything your attention that’s not working for your highest good.
- Meditate. Learn how to quiet your mind. Practice taking deep breaths.
Remember you are in control of your mind. Reset your mindset today and don’t allow weeds to take over the beautiful garden of mind where your babies (dreams and goals) are growing!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders
P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.