If you are a Spiritual Coach, Spiritual Leader, Spiritual Teacher, or Spiritual Healer, and you've been confused about how to merge your spiritual gifts with your marketplace career, this all-new transformation training program is for you!
Are you tired of making excuses about who you are, what you do, or how you do it? Or are you deeply spiritual by nature and find it hard to explain what you do?
Or, maybe you've had an unpleasant experience when you were being true to yourself and that criticism has left you fearful of using your spiritual gifts.
There is nothing wrong with you... your sensitivity, discernment, and intuition while using your gifts is the key .
Your ability to earn more money, and attract more love, happiness, success, and fulfillment is directly connected to your uniqueness.
Get ready to unleash your voice, talent, and wealth attractor--your unique gifting and boldly step into what you've been unconsciously hiding or denying.
It's time to come out of the shadows, (only having a form of your true self) and into the light of your divine purpose, and do it your way! There isn't anyone else like you!!! (I know you know this!) Everything you desire is here... it's within your reach.
Let me ask you this...
If you've answered yes to any of these questions, You are in the right place at the right time.
This is your time to be unapologetically you Not from a headspace of comparison and social conformity, but from a heart space of divine insight, wisdom, and guidance.
You are here to have an impact and reach specific people, but you will not fulfill your mission until you can fully embrace your uniqueness!
Everything you desire to experience is connected to your unique giftings. They are your superpowers!!!
No one else has what you have and can use your giftings the way you are divinely inspired to use them. The world needs you!
Everything is changing and shifting in the world and you have been uniquely designed and called for such a time as this.
It's time to live in your unique design because you are sovereign, original, and perfect as you are!
What it will be like when you are working in your dream assignment, using your spiritual gifts within your marketplace assignment and being fully appreciated and valued for the amazing work you do? Or, what would it mean to you to finally transition into owning a full-time private practice?
Imagine...you are no longer fearful, doubtful, or apologetic about what you are here to do or your unique method. And...you are successful. How amazing would that be?
You are exactly what the world needs.
You know you are gifted and can use your gifts but you feel like something's missing... There's more!
You can quickly become distracted or procrastinate, taking little to no action.
You are flourishing in the marketplace but you are confused about how to merge your spiritual gifts with your marketplace assignment.
You want to learn how to monetize your spiritual gifts and be okay with it.
You've been putting off activating that transition into owning a full-time private practice.
You are ready to unapologetically own who you are and what you do!
You are stuck in an old religious system and not open to change.
Stuck in a "Victim Consciousness" and want to blame others.
You expect your coach to make it happen for you.
You won't invest in yourself or trust the process.
You're not ready now but want other Spiritual Success resources.
It is with poignant gratitude and deep appreciation that I write this missive! I am SOOOOOOOO thankful that you chose to "take me by my hand" and walk with me through several DELIVERANCE during our time together!
Mere words seem inadequate to describe my deepest feelings of joy and Peace which I have experienced since being on this journey with you and your guidance!
All I TRULY can say is THANK YOU Mighty woman of God for your LOVING service to HUMANKIND!
Because of your dedication to ABBA and His people, I am "SEEING" clearer now.
Dr. J.
Since divinely connecting with Dr E that calling to greatness began to fire up again, I began to learn that I was functioning at a shadow of who God has really called me to be. The trauma I experienced did not only suppress who I was, but who God wanted to be through me. What I realized more and more was that I needed to raise the frequency at which I was vibrating at, as any low-level frequencies limited my true-self, my God-self. I AM, I began to have more meaning and power which is quite exciting as this is only the beginning stages of my engagement with Dr E.
E. S.
South, Africa