I am sure you can think of many reasons why you are not enjoying true freedom. The fact of the matter is, we all have allowed many things to rob us of our right to have freedom. In order to really live a life of true freedom, you must first have a healthy definition of what freedom means to you.
True Freedom is not measured by your social status, bank account balance, or popularity. True Freedom is not just an ability to come and go as you please. I am sure you have heard that there are people locked up in prison that are living and enjoying true freedom. They have found the place of peace and rest and know that everything is okay.
True Freedom has to be born out of something that cannot be measured by physical or tangible means only. True freedom has less to do with what you possess and everything to do with how you perceive yourself and the world around you. Perception is more powerful than reality!
True Freedom Is Spiritual…
To be able to experience the joys of true freedom consider the following:
- Are you constantly worrying about things you have no control over?
- Are you always re-living painful or disappointing moments?
- Do you often compare yourself to others and point out your weaknesses?
- Are you repeating the same sabotaging patterns?
- Are you always waiting for the “other shoe to drop”?
Answering YES to the above questions indicates that:
You worry unnecessarily and you are making poor use of creative energy. Your self-doubt is at a point of setting you up for defeat over and over again. When there is a misalignment of energy and misdirected focus, you are lacking the ability to create and live the life of your dreams.
“I am responsible for what I see.
I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide
upon the goal, I would achieve.
And everything that seems to happen to me
I ask for and receive as I have asked.”
You Must Take Full Responsibility for Your Freedom, Growth, and Joy!
Activating True Freedom…

"Judgment will always give you false direction, but vision shows you where to go.
Why should you guess?" ~ ACIM
You can use the following three tips daily to activate and experience the Joy of true freedom:
- Declare each and every day that you are OKAY exactly the way you are. You are enough and
you have what it takes to make it!
- Stay connected to the source of your strength!!! Realize that you are divinely supported. All things are working together and fitting into a plan for your good. Yes, for your good!!!
- Be grateful for all you have every day. Stay in a posture of gratitude. Find at least 3 things that you can really shout and give thanks for every day. Communicate gratitude to people you encounter. Say something nice to someone. You will be amazed at what comes back to you.
Make a quality decision today that you will lead from a place of clarity and vision. When you lead from "Vision within", rather than what you see in your physical realm of appearance, you are on your way to experiencing TRUE FREEDOM!
Don't rob yourself of the wonderful joy of living and enjoying a life of true freedom!
To Your Spiritual Success,
Dr. Elona Sanders
Spiritual Success Mentor™
The Joy Of True Freedom
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