Here in 3D, you are more than you’ve been told. Every answer you seek is already present—waiting within your RICH INNER LIFE. The key? Trusting yourself enough to listen.
Have you ever been so pumped about your next class, certification, or degree and just knew that was going to be your golden ticket?
Were so sadly disappointed when you were no closer to your dream and your ego-mind is still telling you, “you don’t know enough?” Deep down you continue to feel that you are not good enough.
That internal talk is what I call the
We are 22 days into this new year! We have just passed through a historic week. We witnessed the powerful energy of the palindrome on January 20, 2021, which was a universal 8-day. I shared with the 12- Month Spiritual Success Life mentoring group all the fantastic
So many people declared this year as the year of 2020 vision; I said that it’s also the year of MAJOR CHANGE! There is energy activated this year for shifting systems, beliefs, structures, and programs. What has dominated for decades and even
We live in a society where everyone is constantly being judged, scrutinized, and criticized for every little thing they do or say–and somehow we are beginning to normalizing this behavior. I just wanted to take a few moments to remind you that you were born with a purpose, a mission, something