We are 10 days into 2020! This week I wanted to communicate to you how important it is to heal your life. Your ability to have a clear, whole and balanced mind is vital to you experiencing a major shift in 2020. In case you missed this, here’s my post from today.
Happy Friday!
Can you believe we are 10 days in? Some people are 😖struggling to get “on track.” Others are still 😖cursing the darkness. Some others are hoping and🙏 praying for things to be different this year. Only you can make your 🌏world different because you are the creator of all you see in your realm of appearance!
Make a choice to make an investment in⭐️ YOU this year and get all the help you need. Do whatever it takes to create the reality you know is possible. It’s time to shift your🌏 world!
The above quote from A Course In Miracle is reminding you that if you don’t like the world you are living in you can give it up and easily as you made it up!
You might not fully understand this today because you still see yourself as a victim in a world created and ran by other people. The truth is, you are the creator of your realm of appearance. You can choose to shift your outer world as soon as you make a decision to shift your inner world.
What you see manifesting in your outer world has its inception in your inner world of thought and emotion. You are a powerful creator and you can create a different reality in 2020.
If you need help, ask for it. Make an investment in YOU. I am here to help you make the shift!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders
P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.