Resurrection Power Is Real Power!
We are taking time this week to celebrate Passion Week.
I can imagine that over 2000 years ago when the disciples were encountering this week as it happened, (Jesus being falsely accused, arrested, mocked, beaten, tried, and found guilty) they thought everything was over.
I can see why many of them went back to their fishing business. They heard Jesus say it but they did not know for sure if it would happen. What exactly? The power of God causing something dead to come back to life again.
This is ultimate power. The ability to take something that is dead, destroyed, or no longer existing and bring it back to life is absolutely amazing. There are so many people that don’t believe that a physical resurrection took place. I am not debating that today. What I am doing is announcing that the same power that worked then is still working now.
Let me ask you this…
Do you have dreams that have died and you like the disciples of Christ have given up and moved on to something else? Are you secretly longing for your dreams to come true but don’t know what to do?
It is not too late…
You don’t have to give up, you can resurrect your dreams. As you celebrate Resurrection Sunday with your family and friends, take some alone time this weekend and ask God to help you resurrect your dreams and fulfill your destiny.
Spiritual Success Tip:
It’s Never Too Late To Resurrect A Dream!