Peace and Blessings!
Now more than ever you must be prepared to activate faith like never before. Now is the time to stand on what you know to be true! In case you missed it, this is what I shared today on Social Media.

In our private Facebook Group last year, I asked the members to do what I called a “Belief Audit.” I asked them to slow down enough to really consider what they believed and why they believed it.
It was challenging for some. I was not asking them to question the validity of their faith, but rather to question why they believed it and if it’s really truly their conviction. It’s time to take a look at all facets of your belief system not just your religious beliefs.
Now more than ever you must know for yourself that you are fully persuaded, anchored, and steadfast in what you KNOW TO BE TRUE! It’s true for you because YOU BELIEVE, not because you were told to believe or how you were raised to believe!
This is the time to lay aside every weight, distraction, or false burden that doesn’t belong to you. Free-up that energy and activate your creative genius.
Now more than ever it’s time to really walk out your spiritual assignment with grace and be steadfast and unmovable!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will figure out what your next best steps are to create your clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.