Peace and Blessings!
Most of you in my community have already developed the ability to set loving boundaries and guard your hearts diligently.
You’ve recognized that keeping your mind and nervous system well-managed is the key to your freedom and creativity.
The fear-mongers are working overtime this season to keep you distracted, disrupted, and doubtful. But you know better!
The depressing news will increase in its intensity. But, we know how to be informed without being mentally attached. We know how to be aware without becoming anxious.
Please remember that you are the master of your mind and the decision-maker of your choices and actions.
No matter what’s happening in the 3D (3rd dimension) realm of physical appearance, stay connected to the 5D (fifth dimension) realm of God-consciousness and continue to dream, desire, and create.
One of my favorite sayings is, “Life is good and it’s only getting better every day. You’re getting better every day. BELIEVE THAT, PLEASE!
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders,
Spiritual Success Mentor
Click here and contact me for a clarity call to see if the Spiritual Success Community is the right fit to help you create your next dream!