This Is The Day The Lord Has Made, Let Us Make A Conscious Choice To Rejoice And Be Glad In It!
Do you ever feel like pulling your hair out because you are so frustrated with the way things are turning out? One of the most frustrating things to confront is when you believe you have played your best hand and you are still coming up short!
We all know the famous saying, “If life hands you a lemon, make lemonade!” Well, what if you are on your 50th gallon of lemonade and feel as though you don’t have the strength or the willingness to keep trying? I can remember a time in my life when the dream in my heart seemed to be far too painful to pursue. I can remember praying and telling God, “never mind… I don’t want it… It’s too painful!”
So then, what do you do when you believe you have given it your best shot. When you have:
- Taken the class
- Gone to the conference
- Obtained the degree
- Hired the Coach
And still… No results!
The truth is this. When you think things are not working they are. When you think you’ve not made any progress you have. The problem is that most people are far too critical of themselves and tend to overly compare themselves to others accomplishments.
Here are 4 tips to help you recalibrate your mind:
- Slow down and take a good healing deep breath. Breathing is a simple tool that you can always use to reset your attitude and re-calibrate your vibration.
- Refuse to look at others and compare yourself against their accomplishments. You don’t know how long it took or what they had to do or sacrifice to get where they are.
- Don’t be anxious for anything. Learn to relax and rest your mind. Quiet the chatter and make a declaration that you are exactly where you need to be. Accept the fact that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. No right or wrong. Be kind and gentle with yourself. All things are working together and fitting into a plan for your good.
- Stay focused. Only allow yourself to think about what you do want to see happen.
As I Am,
Dr. Elona Sanders