If you don’t mind, I have a serious question or 2 to ask you.
- Does everything seem old and stale to you right now?
- Are you seriously tired of experiencing the same ole same ole?
I know it seems like the world is in total chaos right now.
It appears that our democratic country (America) is going through a hypnotic takeover. The Beloved Church is in crisis mode as we are scrambling to understand what’s happening in the “Body of Christ.”
The church seems to be stuck in an old paradigm that’s no longer yielding the results you desire. You don’t know what to do so you, like so many others, are doubling down on what you know and are used to doing. But deep down inside you know something is missing. It’s time to stop going along just to get along. It’s time to stop settling!
We are in a strange time but yet an exciting time. The restlessness you are experiencing is the result of “the shaking.” It’s the impulse of next-level awakening penetrating your spirit.
You can sense it. You can feel it. You can hear it calling out to you. But, the sound is not a familiar sound. It’s not a “groupie” sound–it’s a sober sound. A sound calling you away from the status quo. Calling you away from everything that is safe, stale, dead, and no longer viable to sustain life–your best life!
You are afraid because this call to awaken is pulling you away from the level of security you are used to. It’s calling you to blaze a trail and seek new horizons.
You find yourself embracing people, concepts, or beliefs that your “religious beliefs” declared were ungodly or not worthy. Only now, you feel God’s love emanating from you in a not-so-familiar way. You feel the love of God reaching out to people your religion told you God could never love.
This is a season for you to return to God’s love like never before. It’s time for the shallow, ungodly judgment and criticisms to cease. It’s time to return to God’s love apart from ungodly doctrinal demands and false interpretation of Scripture. It’s time to turn away from everything that binds you and prohibits you from fulfilling your calling. It’s time for you to allow God to live big in you and embrace your true Self.
Now is the fullness of time to break free and stay free from religious bondage, spiritual error, and demonic terror. Perfect love casts out fear!
If you are ready to experience a fresh wind and ride this wind all the way to fulfilling your purpose now, Join me on Sundays at 10 AM(ET) on Facebook Live for an all-new, fresh-off-the-press call to spiritual freedom, renewal, and independence.
Get ready to experience a fresh word from God that will ignite your spirit and empower you for your next-level walk with God.
Here’s Some of what we’ll cover:
- The #1 mistake you are making that’s holding you back
- Understanding the next-level awakening
- How to tap into the fresh wind that’s blowing
- 3 steps to awaken out to deep sleep
- Activating real Intimacy with God
- And more…
Click Here To Join Me On Sundays!

Helping you create a clear path forward,

P.S. If you know you are ready for next-level awakening and want to connect with me, click here.