Community Love

Helping You Create Your Clear Path Forward!


I am so grateful that I get to work with so many amazing people like you.  There is no greater joy than to witness true transformation in real time.

I have been blessed to mentor, coach, and teach Spiritual Success Leaders like yourself who were once in confusion and did the sacred work to transform that confusion into clarity of purpose.

This is your time to honor yourself and create the life you know you are here to live and have a positive impact in the world.  

Once you come into conscious awareness of who you are and what you are here to contribute, you will begin to excel in every area of your life, ministry, or business.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you and help you create your clear path forward on your personal and spiritual development journey.


What you can expect when we work together

As a student in the Spiritual Success Community, you can expect a safe, sacred environment of like-minded Spiritual Success Leaders all of whom are invested in doing sacred transformational work.

As a Private Client you can expect to receive A dedicated, non-judgmental, co-creative mentor walking along side you as you heal, transform, and create a clear path forward on your personal and spiritual development journey.

Your inner guidance will be activated on a greater scale.  You will know yourself and love yourself, with greater clarity and purpose.  You will transcend 3D (Physical Realm of Consciousness) and learn to flow from 5D (Realm of God Consciousness and Creativity).

You will experience real transformation that will be the catalyst for true breakthrough and  lasting change. You will discover how to easily and effortless allow the real you to emerge and start living your best life!

Community Love From Clients and Students

Linda M. Jones- Apostle

It is with poignant gratitude and deep appreciation that I write this missive! I am SOOOOOOOO thankful that you chose to "take me by my hand" and walk with me through several DELIVERANCE during our time together!

Mere words seem inadequate to describe my deepest feelings of joy and Peace which I have experienced since being on this journey with you and your guidance!

All I TRULY can say is THANK YOU Mighty woman of God for your LOVING service to HUMANKIND!

Because of your dedication to ABBA and His people, I am "SEEING" clearer now.


Tish Bell- The Money Coach

The Fresh Start- Early Morning Empowerment Calls were amazing and awesome! My real estate staff and I attended the calls every morning. Through the teaching from Dr. E., the spirit of intimidation was broken off my life. I had suffered for over 27 years with the spirit of intimidation. During the calls, I was able to gain new confidence in God and walk authoritatively in my business and destiny.

It was refreshing to connect with energetic leaders early in the morning and receive instruction from this dynamic woman of God. Dr. E. released such vital and life-changing information that invoked us to think outside of the box and take authority over our destiny. She instructed us to take charge of our decisions, release blaming others, and charged us to stop making excuses for the lack of results. My entire life has shifted to a new dimension of living, finances, and thinking. I look forward to being a part of the upcoming Fresh Start Spiritual Success Boot camp.

Marcus Guy-

Dear Dr. E, I wanted to thank you for the wisdom that you have given in our private sessions especially in the last few weeks. 

I want to tell you that I have had such a wonderful breakthrough. Some very deep wounds were addressed along with hope and vision.

Disconnecting from 3D space and time brings me into another realm where I can have access to information and experiences from God. I know that this is just the beginning that will continue to grow with more practice. This inner sacred work was not burdensome but joyful and I look forward to continuing and growing. Thanks and Selah


Aundrea Abbott-

I am not sure how this Mindset Mastery class is working but it is working and I am glad! The information I am learning resonates with me, I am happy that the things Dr. Sanders is teaching us match what is being said on the inside of me which makes it even easier to accept. I am glad I am in this class. This is a worthwhile investment and what I love the most, I KNOW I am becoming a master creator. I know that I am!

How To Get Started!

Step 1

Choose Your Time

Choose the day and time that will work best for you and schedule your complimentary, private clarity call with me.

Step 2

Show Up

Give yourself the gift of increase by making the Commitment to show up for yourself in your Private Clarity Call session with me. 

Step 3

Trust Your Guidance

Together we will ensure that your divine insight/intuition is activated and will guide you every step of the way. This is your defining moment!

Personal and Spiritual Development

You too can decide to take a step forward.  Imagine what your life will be like once you:

Choose You: No more devaluing yourself while giving greater value to others. (Empowering Value)
Transform Confusion: Having clarity of purpose (Priceless Value)
Mindset Mastery: Learning how to live free of all the creepy crap from ego mind (Freedom Value)
Activate Creativity: Stop allowing comparison to rob you of your creative genius (wealth Value)
Live unapologetically: You no longer have anything to fear, hide, prove, or lose (Boldness Value)

Total Value: $Infinite

Your Price Today: $0

I was depressed, stressed, down and out. I didn't love myself and didn't know who I was anymore. I discovered A Course In Mindset Mastery with Dr. E. and now I am free and living in the TRUTH of who I Am!


Ryan Bletcher

I had many serious issues in my life such as depression, rejection, and fears of all kinds.  Since I've been participating in the Fresh Start Empowerment Sessions I have made some important changes in my life.  There is so much I have learned and I am determined to work it out each day. I am a changed person!

Margo Image

Margo Hogan

"Prior to coaching with Dr. E. I was feeling locked up on the inside.  I knew I had much in me but how to release it seemed like a mystery to me. My first coaching session was beyond my imagination! I experienced an awareness I had never felt before.  When I tapped into this RICH PLACE,  there was a knowing in me that I was full of creative power and everything I need was available to me!"

Shirece Parnell




When I first thought to share my experience or what many would say is a testimony; my ego was ready. Yet, because I am becoming more aware of self, I waited for the words to come.

 Dr. E., words of flowers to a Phenomenal Woman that speaks with such life. Thank you for agreeing to walk alongside this gentle soul that never really had too many people that kept their vow. 

Your guidance on this journey called life feels as if you and I agreed to link up at such a time as this. We crossed paths in 2009, 2010, 2014 and then 2020 we connect! 

Your teachings are divine! Your heart is pure! Your ability to listen and hear is beyond 3-D!

When I think of you, I think of humanity, the eco-system, ebb & flow, the universe, the galaxy, the sun, the moon, other planets, and us all being One expressed in all that is loving.

Much gratitude,

Amanda Li, Houston, TX

"Personal and spiritual clarity"

Before my first coaching session with Dr. E.,

I was struggling with gaining the necessary clarity for me to make a solid plan for my current business venture.

Our coaching sessions helped me identify the things that were blocking me mentally and spiritually and I was able to discover my purpose concisely. I am now reconstructing my self-image and building fabulous self-esteem!

I am more focused and have more peace than I have ever had!  I thought my life would not be able to move forward when unexpected circumstances changed my life forever. 

Through working the Spiritual Success Life System™, I have tapped into my RICH INNER LIFE and I am joyfully on my own spiritual path!

- Debbie Couture, Columbus, OH


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