This Is The Day The Lord Has Made, Let Us Make A Conscious Choice To Rejoice And Be Glad In It!
Thank You For Connecting with the Global Empowerment Worship Community. We are dedicated to delivering personal empowerment, spiritual empowerment as well as professional empowerment. We believe in the words of Jesus The Christ as recorded in John 10:10… “The Thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy, I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”
You Can join us every Sunday at 10:00 am (Eastern Time) by dialing:
(425) 440-5010
VIP PIN: 121230#
T-Mobile Users Dial: (412) 789-11152
VIP PIN: 121230#
Again, get ready to be motivated… Inspired… and Transformed!!!
As I Am,