Peace and Blessings!

Today is a very gray, rainy day. As I was driving on the highway this morning, I thought to myself, "where's the sun?" We all know that clouds can block out the rays of the sun. Just because I couldn't see the sun doesn't mean it's not there. We know that. Right?
I also thought, "What if someone was new this earth realm and I told them there is a big, bright-yellow ball in the sky that gives brilliant light and intense heat to the earth. Also in some parts of the world, the heat is so hot you can't function when the sun is blazing at a high peak."
Maybe that person wouldn't believe me because she would not be able to see nor feel the sun in its full effect. That person would have 2 options:
- Either believe what I told her taking it at face value or--
- Dismiss it as foolishness because she sees no evidence.
That's exactly what happens to so many people who want to believe for something to change in their lives. Because they can't see any sign of what they've prayed for manifesting, they are fooled into dismissing their desires thereby never receiving any results.
Have you ever been fooled into believing that God did not hear you? Even worse, have you been fooled into believing that you are not worthy or good enough to receive what you desire because you didn't see any sign of it coming to pass?
We know that the sun is always shining and it never changes its nature. But, every now and then, thick clouds move in front of the sun and block its full effect from being experienced.
I want to encourage you with this today...
Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there! Don't be fooled into believing these lies:
- It's not working for you
- You're not good enough
- It's not your time
- You missed the mark
- You were never meant to have _______________.
- You are being punished by God
- You are under a curse
When you can't see any sign of what you want to manifest in your life, stay on course, stay focused and know that your desire has been granted.
Despite what you can't see, sense, or feel, something is working in the unseen realm forming and creating your desires! You are not alone, you are divinely supported. Stay in faith and stay in the flow. Continue to call those things that be not as though they were.
Helping you create a clear path forward,
Elona Sanders
P.S. Are you ready to go deeper? Join me for a private connect and share session today! Click Here