Today I am Grateful for divine connections and opportunities!
There is a popular saying “When the student is ready the teacher shows up!” How many times have you been in a position when you asked “when are things going to change?” or Where is my help? Why do I always seem to be alone, working by myself? These are the times when you maybe feeling lost or hopeless. Aren’t you grateful that you don’t live in a state like that perpetually? Life really is good and is getting better all the time! I want to remind you again, that all things are working together and fitting into a plan for your good.
When you are in alignment with your true purpose, things seem to appear out of nowhere. But in actuality it is not out of nowhere but it is the power of spiritual law in operation. When your gifts, talents, and abilities are being used in conjunction with your divine assignment, there are people who are in the right place at the right time to assist you in what you are trying to accomplish.
Your entire life is a seed, and just like all seeds, everything needed for that seed to grow, mature, and thrive is already encoded in the seed. Who would think the mighty oak tree is encoded in a little acorn! When the seed is planted in the right soil in the right environment, it will flourish easily and effortlessly. So the question should not be when, where, why, it should be how. How do I tap into my divine purpose? How do I flow in the true spirit of who I was created to be? The answer is SASS™!
When you are tapped into your SASS™ (Strongest Authentic Spiritual Self), there is a level of expectation that will be activated in your life. Every day you should expect nothing but the best! You should expect to be in the right place at the right time. You should look for people to come into your life unexpectedly with exactly what you need to fulfill your assignment.
Today, recognize when you are being divinely connected to people. Take note of the fact that the person you met at the supermarket while standing in line is not a coincidence but a divine hook-up.
Look for opportunities and doors to open for you. Everything you need to do whatever you have been sent here to do will manifest at the right time. Make a declaration and decree today, “I have divine hookups and connections, everything is exactly as it should be. Because I am fulfilling my purpose, great things are manifesting now!”
The Deliverance Doctor™
Spiritual Success Coach to
Kingdom Leaders and Solo Entrepreneurs