This Is The Day The Lord Has Made, Let Us Make A Conscious Choice To Rejoice And Be Glad In It!
I can remember when I consciously embarked on my “personal development” Journey in 1999. (I know it sounds like a lifetime ago… Lol) My declaration at that time was to become a “Kinder, softer, gentler” Me!
I remember being directed to one of my favorite books, “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, It’s All Small Stuff!” That book literally was the catalyst that started me on a journey to mastering my true Self.
From there I was lead to many other remarkable writings that helped me to evolve into a more developed personal and spiritual state.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned and I am still practicing today is, to Love myself unconditionally!
It seems as though one of the hardest things for many people to do is to love themselves unconditionally. Why is it that so many people are so critical and judgmental (in a negative way) when it comes to Self?
If it is your normal practice to “hate” on yourself, I want to give you 3 tips to help you break free of a vicious habit of “self-loathing” and sabotaging your efforts.
- Accept Yourself As You Are Today! If you don’t accept yourself how will others learn to do the same? Take the pressure off your life. Wherever, whatever your realm of appearance is today, it’s okay. Nothing is forever. Make peace with yourself. Refuse to judge, criticize, or beat yourself up. That is a waste of energy that’s not serving you. And remember, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff…. It’s All Small Stuff!
- Treat yourself with Kindness and Consideration! Beginning with the premise that you are worthy, treat yourself with the same love and kindness you would your best friend, your child, or someone you are fond of and what the best for them. Give yourself the same level of kindness and consideration.
- Learn to Celebrate You! Get into the habit of complimenting yourself on a daily basis. Celebrate your smallest effort! Meditate on all the things that you GET RIGHT AND RELAX!!!
When you start loving yourself unconditionally, you will find that so much of what’s good in life starts to flow into your life i.e.: people, events, opportunities, etc. When you start loving yourself unconditionally you will find that others are willing to do the same.
This is your life. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Life is good and it’s getting better every day!
As I Am,
Dr. Elona Sanders