Today, I Celebrate My Success!
You have probably heard the saying “Success is not a destination, it is a journey!”
So often when we are traveling the road of success, we are preoccupied with all the things that are not going right. We tend to focus on what is lacking, who is not supporting us, which deal did not go through, or perhaps, the loan that was turned down by the bank. But today, I invite you to take a “PB” (Praise Break) and become consciously aware of all the things that you did accomplish. When you are not taking time to celebrate success, you are living in an unconscious state that robs you of creative energy.
We are in the eleventh month of this year. That means that this is the last quarter, we are in the final few days and then we will be wrapping up another year. If you haven’t done it already, this is a perfect time to go back over the year and really write down everything you did get done this year. Don’t leave out anything. Bring to remembrance all the “little blessings” (no blessing is little to me) that would go unnoticed, things we take for granted, especially those of us that live in the United States, i.e.:
- Fresh air to breathe
- Clean water to drink
- You still have a job
- Family and Friends
- You are able to read this!
I recall one of my Mentor’s so poignantly stating “Success is not about the ‘bling’, it is about who you become on your journey of success.” Today, take a moment and wisely discern where you are and who you are now. You will probably notice that you have really grown. You are in a different place spiritually as well as mentally, emotionally.
What does success mean to me? Success is about:
- Staying true to your SASS™ (Strongest Authentic Spiritual Self)
- Knowing and setting forth your life’s intentions
- Allowing inspired ideas to be downloaded
- Taking authentic action that aligns with your intentions, and offering that to the world through your SASS™.
And remember, it’s all about “Pace” not “Race!” The race is not to the swift, neither the battle to the strong. But to him that endures until the end… (reaching your intended destination.) That’s Success. (Ecclesiastes 9:11, Matthew 24:13)
The Deliverance Dr.
Spiritual Success Coach To
Kingdom Leaders and