Peace and Blessings!
You may remember this conversation we had back in 2021. Because we are diving deep into identity, value, and self-awareness, I wanted you to take a second look!
This may be your first time tapping into this discourse. If you are taking a second look, this time I want you to take a slower walk and implement–do the sacred work to heal your self-image!
You Believe In What You Manifest. As You Look Out So Will You See In!
~A Course In Miracles
One of the things I teach my students is the importance of perception. Your perception is creating your reality. What you see in your physical realm of appearance reflects the dominant vibration/belief within.
I also stress that you can’t ever manifest beyond the image you hold of yourself.
I asked the question this week, “WHAT DO YOU SEE?”

What do you see when you look in the mirror or think about yourself in your mind?
As I stated above, you cannot manifest or create the life you know you are here to live when your image of yourself is limiting. i.e.:
- Doubtful of your abilities
- Critical of your physical appearance
- Fearful of rejection/non-acceptance
- Unbelief about things working for you
- Insecurities of many kinds
- Inadequacy
- Feelings of unworthiness/non-deserving
- Belief in scarcity
To name a few ways a poor self-image limits you.
Nothing will stop your progress, prosperity, and pleasant experiences like a poor self-image. So, let’s start the process to reverse this.
If you want to see your life change and move in a positive direction, you must start today and improve your self-image. Your self-image is a vibrational frequency that is attracting or repelling your desires.
Here are a few things you can start doing today to improve your self-image.
- Assess how you think, feel, and see yourself, write it down, and date it.
- What are your coping mechanisms? How do you soothe yourself? i.e.: Hiding, Overeating, Excessive Shopping, or Toxic Relationships. (Track it and Document it)
- Make a quality decision to release that poor/negative image in your mind.
- Tap into your heart… your RICH INNER LIFE and ask the Spirit to show you the real you. (Don’t rush this part!)
- Believe, and have faith in what you see.
Commit to meditate on upgrading your self-image for the next 14 days and let me know how it’s going.
Helping you create a clear path forward,

Elona Sanders, Spiritual Success Mentor
P.S. Are you truly ready to see your heart’s desires manifest? Let’s connect and have a chat. Together we will discover your next best steps to create a clear path forward! Click here to schedule a private call with me.