Peace and Blessings!
We are 22 days into this new year! We have just passed through a historic week. We witnessed the powerful energy of the palindrome on January 20, 2021, which was a universal 8-day. I shared with the 12- Month Spiritual Success Life mentoring group all the fantastic portals that are now opened and activated.
With the Inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, we are experiencing an invitation to calm down and breathe. (That is not to say there aren’t many things to deal with.) We are still in the throes of a global pandemic and continued racial injustice.
However, right in this space of grace, we are being asked to breathe, reconnect, reconstruct, and reposition ourselves for Spiritual Success!
To Reconnect: To tap into your IGS (Inner Guidance System) like never before and allow the Holy Spirit to have preeminence in your life. Tap into IN-SIGHT, WISDOM, AND COURAGE!
To Reconstruct: Not restructure, but RECONSTRUCT, rebuild, or makeover your true aspirations. It’s time to RECREATE from a MINDSET that has new information and a new paradigm.
In this space of grace that’s been activated, you will have clarity and courage to abandon earlier positions, beliefs, and self-imagine holding you in your current position of confusion or self-sabotage.
If you are ready to learn how to awaken to new levels of awareness and come into mindset mastery, join me in the All-New Spiritual Success 12-Month mentoring program.
Remember, whoever is in your ear will determine your year! Get ready to come into a community of aligned Spiritual Success Leaders and get the right insight, wisdom, and support to help you live your best life!
Helping you create a clear path forward,
Elona Sanders,
Spiritual Success Mentor
P.S. Space is extremely limited. Enroll now for the special discounted rate!