Today, I Will Not Blame Anyone or Anything For What Appears To Be Lacking In My Life!
Blame, Blame, Blame… Oh how easy it is to always point the finger in a direction that leads away from you! As a society of people, we learn early on how to not take responsibility. It is always someone else’s fault why something didn’t work. If you don’t get the job, it was the interviewer’s fault. If you don’t get the promotion it is your supervisor’s fault, if your marriage fails it’s your spouse’s fault.
It is so easy to blame, to pass the buck, or to look elsewhere. What you fail to realize is that when you are blaming something else for your circumstances, you are actually living in a state of denial and you have cut off the energy and resources you need to succeed. For the moment, blaming feels good. It has a temporary soothing effect because it blinds you from seeing the truth which can be painful.
Blame is like a warm blanket that comes to comfort you when life has turned chilly and cold. However, the warmth that blame brings is short-lived. Sooner or later, when you have run out of people to blame, you will be left with the truth—you! (That is not to say things don’t happen, but to stay in a perpetual state of blame in not healty.) In coaching sessions, I have often asked clients who are ready to run, give up, and leave everything behind because of… I ask “where are you going? Where ever you go, you are taking you with you.” It is important to examine all the facts until you find the truth.
I know it is much easier to believe that if you can just get away from this town, this person, this job, this relationship, etc. everything will be o.k. But the truth is that nothing will be o.k. until you uncover and deal with what is going on inside you that continue to cause these results to show up for you over and over again. (I hope you are ready to receive this)
Today, if you are holding a grudge, depressed, or in despair because of what you believe is someone else’s fault, get whatever help or support you need to let it go. Remember, blame is a deceiver that will hold you in lower level emotions. That is the flesh/ego mind in operation, fighting to keep you small and in a comfort zone that will not pay off in the long run. There is so much more of life to experience. So much joy to be shared, so much love to give. Put blame to shame, by exposing it and refusing to allow it a place in your life!
“When you point one finger you have four fingers pointing back at you!”
The Deliverance Doctor™
Spiritual Success Coach to
Kingdom Leaders