Today, I am alert and attentive!
It is amazing to me that a great many people can go through life and not live. They are here, they are alive, but they are not alert or attentive. They are not participating in their own life’s story. In other words, people who are not actively participating in their lives are in despair, living in a state of continual victimization–always relating “what happened to me” as opposed to what they made happen.
It is possible to sleep your way through life, to live in a zombie like state. You are here but you are not in control. You are here but you are not creating. You are here but you are not really feeling, loving, or freely giving of yourself. You are getting by the best way you know how, and that is living with a spirit of escape, i.e.:
- Overeating
- Overspending
- Overcompensating
- Overachieving
- Overindulging
- Underachieving
- Underestimating life
- Underestimating your gifts, talents, and abilities
It is hard to image but yet true that in 2010, there are many, many people who don’t yet know why they are here. They have not yet discovered their unique abilities, perhaps you are one. (I use to be one!) I don’t mean this as a put down, but bring it up as a matter of urgency so you can step up. Step up to the plate can claim your inheritance—your life, full, free, abundant, and successful!
You are not a victim. You are not here to only respond to what happens to you, but you are here to be a mover and a shaker. You are here to call the shots. You are here to make life happen in a way that best serves you and the people you have been called here to serve.
Today, make a quality decision that you will be alert and attentive. Don’t allow so many things to get pass you without your consent. Life really is too short. You are living in the best days because these are the days in which you are here! You are alive and you have a choice. You can see life as a wonderful, challenging adventure, or you can see life as harsh, cruel, and disappointing. It’s up to you.
Make a decision today, that you will stand up and take notice of your life, it is a precious gift. Each day that you are given the awesome privilege to awaken, with the opportunity to activate creative power and create something wonderful, is a blessing.
Come on…. Make the declaration with me… Today, I AM alert and attentive, and I am making life happen!
The Deliverance Doctor™
Spiritual Success Coach to
Kingdom Leaders and Solo-Entrepreneurs