New Frequencies For A New Reality

Reset Your Mindset For success!

Have you ever Felt Like your dreams Are Just a step Away But No Matter What You Do You Can't Seem to Grasp Them?

You Are Not Alone!

This feeling of frustration and stagnation is more common than you might think. 

You've made some progress, but confusion seeps in whenever you're ready to advance.

I Know, you have done everything you can to move your life forward, yet you seem to make little to no progress.  I’ve been there too! 

It's like you're sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else run pass you and your are fed up with asking yourself...

• What’s wrong with me?
• Why can’t I figure out what’s wrong with me?
• Why can’t I make it happen?
• Every time I think I have the answer, I still come up short!



Often, the issue isn’t a lack of effort or talent; it’s your mindset that’s holding you back.
The thoughts you think and the beliefs you hold shape your reality.

If you’re stuck in patterns of doubt, fear, or self-sabotage, those are the very things that block your progress.
Your physical realm of appearance reflects your inner world of thoughts, emotions, and beliefs!

What Is A Mindset?

"Mindset" refers to a set of beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions that shape how you perceive and respond to the world.  It influences your thoughts, behaviors, and ultimately, the outcomes you experience in life

Your mindset filters your experiences and stores them in your subconscious mind. Whenever you are faced with making a decision or taking action that will move your life forward, your mindset is the invisible barrier between you and the manifestation of your desires.


Get Ready to Move Past Being Stuck At The Same Level With The Same Results?

Now is the time to DIVINELY ALIGN with your true purpose, unlock hidden potential, and soar to new levels of Personal and Spiritual power! 

It’s time to evolve and expand your consciousness. In a few steps, I will show you how to end the mystery and confusion you have connected to manifesting greater, turn on your personal power, and position yourself to embrace your TRUTH!

I am dedicated and committed to empowering highly sensitive Spiritual Leaders to:

  •  Breakthrough unconscious blocks that keep you playing small, hiding, and procrastinating.
  •  Stop the pattern of stalling at the start and/or faltering at the finish.
  • Shift your mindset from limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs
  • See the real you
  • Discover your personal "Wealth Attractors"
  • Soar to new levels of power and accomplish what you have been sent here to do!
  • Live and enjoy life to the full

Now is your time to allow the real YOU to emerge and fulfill your authentic spiritual assignment. (Not sure what that is? No worries, we will walk together and uncover your true passions.)

Get Ready To Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Divine Consciousness And Activate True Mindset Mastery That Will Allow You To Win In Life and Keep Winning!

Beloved, this is the time to leap into a new reality. A reality where you are consciously aware that you are powerful, sovereign, and creating your desired reality. Get ready to live life as the full expression of YOU.

No more sitting on the sidelines of life wondering why you can't seem to figure it out. So many others have crossed over into success and are now living their best life but you are still stuck, confused, and frustrated.

99 percent of what's holding you back is your MINDSET! What you are thinking, feeling, and believing subconsciously is calling the shots and SABOTAGING your life!

The good news is you can change this! By resetting your mindset, you can shift from a place of confusion into clarity and transcend from scarcity to a place of abundance. 

It’s about retraining your brain to focus on what’s possible, rather than what’s impossible.




Reset Your Mindset For Success...


Let's Create Your New High Frequency Life...

8-weeks of Spiritual Success Transformation Training Just For You!

8 is the number of new beginning, personal and spiritual power, abundance, and manifestation.

This special 8-week Spiritual Success training will prepare you to BE your best self. This strategic system will be a master key with which you may open the many doors of the Kingdom of God within you!

I want you to get ready to bring an end to the disappointment of missing the mark.

You know you are here to experience more. As you understand and unlock the latent power of your soul, you will no longer:

Live through your shadow codes
Exchange one ego producing effect for another
Participate in the miscreation of your life experiences
Misjudge your value and unique abilities
Hold yourself hostage to the misconceptions of limitation and fear
Look for answers from misaligned relationships


The Spiritual Success Way



When you learn to properly use the power of the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious mind through heightened awareness, you will understand that everything in the outer world is only secondary to the inner world of consciousness and that's when your focus begins to change from without to within!

This transformation training will be the catalyst that births true and lasting change in your life.

Join me in this All-new 8-week Spiritual Success Transformation Training Program as we unlock the secret to your hidden power to produce a high-level living experience. You can live life and have the impact you know you are here to produce.

This is your time to rise and come into alignment with your true purpose--your spiritual assignment (destiny)!

Imagine what your life will be like once you put away the confusion of purpose, misperception, limiting beliefs, and learn to use your creative power to manifest your true desires!

Imagine what your life will be like when you have:

Awakened Out Of Sleep
The Right Tools and Techniques
Clarity of Purpose
Courage To Take Action
Greater Understanding To Support You To Continually Win In Life

I solute The Greatness In Every One Of You!
We've Developed a Tried and Tested System that Is Proven to Transform and Empower Your Life!


 9-Step Multi-Dimensional  Reset Transformation System

Learn How To Move From Mindset Misery, Into Mindset Management, and Mindset Mastery


Understanding the power of Mindset.


You possess a powerful weapon! Once you become consciously aware of how mindset works, you can never go back to accepting defeat.


Techniques for Identifying and releasing limiting beliefs. Discover the most common limiting beliefs holding most people back. Transform your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs.


Learn how to come into divine alignment with spiritual laws, guiding principles and activating Self-worth and why it's important for lasting success.


Reframing and retraining.  Understanding the role on Neuroplasticity and how you can train your brain to support your success.


Use your heightened conscious awareness and ability to turn on and access TRUE POWER within your inner power base.  This is the difference between understanding and knowing! This is truly the beginning of real power in operation!


Destroy imposter syndrome once and for all and learn to AFFIRM yourself by understanding your GODSELF.  When you acknowledge and properly affirm your divinity, you'll see yourself, trust yourself, and flow based on your original identity.


Learn how to become a magnetically charged being by increasing  your vibrational frequency to attract what you truly desire by setting clear intentions, using Divine Spiritual Laws, and other sacred sciences.


Activate your divine connection to GOD by ascending to higher dimension of consciousness.  Learn to live the 5-D life of greater God Consciousness.


The law of acceleration will allow you to move beyond the illusion of time.  When you understand the power of the 5D/zero life,  you will begin to see miracles manifest instantly!


Uncover the real hidden issues that lead to stagnation, procrastination, and setbacks..
Expose and eliminate enemies to your spiritual growth and development.
Eliminate inner battles/conflicts causing instability and inconsistency.
Stop stalling at the start and faltering at the finish.
Reconstruct your self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem which are necessary to succeed.
Understand the root cause of the inner voice that consistently produces excuses and self-imposed rules that keep you from moving forward.
Unlock hidden potential and activate dormant gifts.
Obtain clarity for core vision implementation.
Understand the power of the mind and learn how to use this powerful tool.
Clear blocked energy centers.
Tap into creative power and use it.
Understanding the power of focus and intention setting. How to create intentional anchors.
Increase your effectiveness in prayer.
How to take care of your energy body.
Increase intimacy with God.
Raise your Vibrational frequency.
Show you how to become magnetic

Imagine how you will feel once you have transformed your life out of confusion and misalignment of purpose and be able to thrive in uncertain situations and bounce back from challenges! Get ready to embody the very essence of SPIRITUAL SUCCESS!!!

 also included...

A complete support system designed to mentor you with individual attention related to your most pressing need!

8 Weekly Training Modules

8 Weekly Virtual Gatherings in a safe and sacred community. You'll get lifetime access, downloadable lessons, and of course, bonus lessons!

Laser Coaching

Weekly Guiding Principle Clarity Session
where you will receive answers to your questions, laser-coaching, 

Community Forum

This is not social media. This an  Aligned Community of like-minded Spiritual Success Leaders in a safe and sacred space to master mind and receive loving support.

Private Mentoring

You have the option to add-on private mentoring sessions at any time.

Unique Assignments

Unique Spiritual Success Activation Assignment designed to bring the guiding principle trainings to deeper understanding.

Spiritual Success Tools

Propriety Spiritual Success Tools that have been tested and tried.  These tools will become your go-to technology to start transforming your life!



Enroll with a one-time full payment.  Click here

Client Love


It is with poignant gratitude and deep appreciation that I write this missive! I am SOOOOOOOO thankful that you chose to "take me by my hand" and walk with me through several DELIVERANCE during our time together!

Mere words seem inadequate to describe my deepest feelings of joy and Peace which I have experienced since being on this journey with you and your guidance!

All I TRULY can say is THANK YOU Mighty woman of God for your LOVING service to HUMANKIND!

Because of your dedication to ABBA and His people, I am "SEEING" clearer now!


Dr. J.



When I first thought to share my experience or what many would say is a testimony; my ego was ready. Yet, because I am becoming more aware of self, I waited for the words to come.

Dr. E., words of flowers to a Phenomenal Woman that speaks with such life. Thank you for agreeing to walk alongside this gentle soul that never really had too many people that kept their vow.

Your guidance on this journey called life feels as if you and I agreed to link up at such a time as this. We crossed paths in 2009, 2010, 2014 and then 2020 we connect!

Your teachings are divine! Your heart is pure! Your ability to listen and hear is beyond 3-D!

When I think of you, I think of humanity, the eco-system, ebb & flow, the universe, the galaxy, the sun, the moon, other planets, and us all being One expressed in all that is loving.

Much gratitude,



Life Changing

 Dr. E, I wanted to thank you for the wisdom that you have given in our private sessions especially in the last few weeks.

I want to tell you that I have had such a wonderful breakthrough. Some very deep wounds were addressed along with hope and vision.

Disconnecting from 3D space and time brings me into another realm where I can have access to information and experiences from God. I know that this is just the beginning that will continue to grow with more practice. This inner sacred work was not burdensome but joyful and I look forward to continuing and growing. Thanks and Selah




What You Can Expect When We Work Together...

A Safe And Sacred Environment

As a student in the Spiritual Success Community, you can expect a safe, sacred environment of like-minded Spiritual Success Leaders all of whom are invested in doing sacred transformational work.

Private Client Option

As a Private Client you can expect to receive A dedicated, non-judgmental, co-creative mentor walking along side you as you heal, transform, and create a clear path forward on your personal and spiritual development journey.

Deep Activation Of Clarity 

Your inner guidance will be activated on a greater scale. You will know yourself and love yourself, with greater clarity and purpose. You will transcend 3D (Physical Realm of Consciousness) and learn to flow from 5D (Realm of God Consciousness and Creativity).

True Transformation

You will experience real transformation that will be the catalyst for true breakthrough and lasting change. You will discover how to easily and effortlessly allow the real you to emerge and start living your best life!


Get immediate access to the highly acclaimed Discover and Release Unconscious Block course. This also will include two (2) live virtual gatherings with Dr. E.


Are You ready? let's go...


Make The Investment In your Life

Intimate Group Setting
Private one-one Mentor Option
Weekly Deep Activations
New Spiritual Success Tools and Techniques
Activation Assignments
Go At Your Unique Pace

Enroll Now...
Early, Early Bird Tuition

Full Payment option $777.00


One off full payment, no hidden recurring fees.


Will this work for me and will I get results?

Yes, If you are willing to do the Sacred Work to transform, you will see results.

How quickly will I see change?

This is all about pace, not race. You will see a change in your mindset and perception immediately.  However, everyone is different and allow change a their unique pace.

Will I have lots of homework?

This is not your typical course.  This is a live, organic transformative process.  You are embarking on a journey of mastery!  You can choose to do the activation assignments or not. You are in control of you!

Will I receive individual attention?

Although this is a group mentoring program, I pride myself on giving quality individual attention to each student.  This is done during our weekly laser coaching sessions.

How does the community forum work?

The Spiritual Success Community is an aligned community of like-minded Spiritual Success Leaders like yourself who are dedicated to transformation.  This is not Social Media.  It's a safe and sacred space for you to share, update, or celebrate your accomplishments or ask questions and get community feedback and support.

How many hours per week will I have to schedule to get awesome results?

Again, it's all about pace not race.  However, we meet for approximately 1 hour weekly (with the exception of the first week of each month). 

I'm excited and I want to dive in but I'm afraid of overwhelm, How can I avoid this?

You will always go at your own pace.  The way our learning environment is structured there is no such thing as being left behind or having to catch up!

Is this for someone who is not familiar with Spiritual Success?

Yes, the Spiritual Success Reset Your Mindset For Success Transformation Training program is a foundational system.  It is designed to for the advanced as well as a beginner to conscious awakening.  Each module is multi-dimensional.  We always begin with basic guiding principle and expand.

What is your return policy?

I’m 100% committed to The Spiritual Success Way being an effective program that will help you successfully awaken, shift, and transform your life in the coming weeks and months as you advance through the 9 steps that will revolutionize your life.

Because this is more of a living, organic spiritual work, we honor the value of commitment.  There is a seven-day return policy.

I'm not a minister or entrepreneur yet, will this course work for me?

This Spiritual Success System is for anyone who wants to learn, heal, transform and live a more fulfilled life, having a greater impact, and creating more income!

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