All New Transformation Workshop...
Reset Your Mindset For Success!

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Ever Feel Trapped, Like You Are Isolated And Everything You Want Is just Beyond Your Reach?


Ever feel like no matter how hard you work you are stuck producing at the same level?


Are you constantly searching for the next product, program, course, etc, feeling like if you can just get this one key you will have the answer to your dilemma?


Are you ready to stop the madness in your life see significant changes in your income, relationships, and health?

Get Ready To Confidently Shift Into A Power Mindset For Success!

All New Transformation Workshop...Reset Your Mindset For Success!

The Ultimate quick-start guide that will give you insight and step -by- step tools to show you how to identify and reset  your sabotaging habits, patterns, and cycles.  

You will learn how to reset your UBS (Unconscious Belief System) which will allow you to achieve power results fast!

Your Exclusive Early Bird Registration....


NOW... $97.00

Reserve Your Sacred Seat!

Live Workshop Also available for instant download! 

Your Exclusive Early Bird Registration....


NOW... $97.00


2 Payment Option!

Limited Time Only...

Here's What You Will Discover in this 4-part Workshop...

  • Module One

    Mindset 101… Will lay a strong foundation for understanding the Amazing power of your mind and how to start mastering your mindset for successful living.

  • Module Two

    The Creative Mind… Starts the process of understanding your Unconscious Belief System (UBS) and how to transform it into creative power.

  • Module Three

    Transforming Fear Into Power Results!  Get ready to master the fear-based mind and become a true champion.

  • Module Four

    You Are In Charge!  Miracle Mindset Activation.  Become confident in your ability to call the shots knowing that you are  charge of you and all of heaven backs you up!

Enroll Now!

Live Workshop Also available for instant download! 

2 Payment Option!

Live Workshop Also available for instant download! 

Check Out What Other People Are Saying About Training With Dr. Elona

It was refreshing to connect with energetic believers early in the morning and receive instruction from this dynamic woman of God. Dr. E. released such vital and life changing information that invoked us to think outside of the box and take authority over our destiny.

Tish Bell
Tish Bell Fearless Academy

I had many serious issues in my life such as depression, rejection, and fears of all kind. Since I have been participating in the Early Morning Empowerment Gatherings, I have made some important changes in my life. I am so grateful to God for allowing me to experience this powerful journey!

Margo Hogan
Margo Hogan Buds of Promise Learning and Development

The Early Morning Empowerment calls have completely changed the way I have been thinking.  I learned that I could control my thoughts and not let negative thoughts control me and destroy my day.  I learned that every day I can control what I am thinking and I began to create new thought patterns of blessing and prosperity.

Darlene Gray
Darlene Gray Total Life Changes
Enroll Now!

Live Workshop Also available for instant download!